15 January 2015

Pizza Friday

Are you a pizza fanatic?  Why not make your own pizza and I promise, you will be enjoying the fruit of your labor in just under 30 minutes. For this recipe no more waiting game, you don't need any culinary skills to make it. Are you ready? Make sure you have all the ingredients needed.


For the dough:
1 cup self raising flour
  1/2 cup water
a pinch of salt
a drizzle of olive oil or any oil you preferred

For the sauce:
You can just use any tinned pizza sauce, tomato sauce, ketchup
or you can make your own.

1 can chopped tomato
1-2 cloves of garlic
a handful of basil

For the toppings: 
Red bell pepper
Anything you fancy or anything you have 


For the dough
If you have a food processor, you can just put all the ingredients together 
and blitz them 
until they're completely incorporated.
But if not, get a mixing bowl and mixed it with a 
wooden spoon or with your hand.
Flour your bench and and start your rolling your dough into round thin shape.
Transfer it into your baking tray.
Put sauce on top, scatter it with the back of your spoon.
If you are just using tinned pizza sauce, you can add your toppings already 
but if you're just using plain tomato sauce or ketchup,
 you can sprinkle the top of the sauce with
with herbs like dried oregano and basil.
Then add your toppings.

Now you can experiment on how you wanted to add your toppings,
some like to put cheese first before the sauce,
some like to put cheese on top, 
some like to put the meat(pepperoni/salami/sausage etc..) 
the last. It's all up to you.
But I am sure, no matter how you do it, you will be enjoying 
your very own pizza!

Bake it for 12 minutes at 180C then turn your oven into grill 
so you can toast the top a little bit.
Watch it carefully so you don't burn your pizza.

Taadaa!!! Enjoy! 

This can serve a family of four.
The original recipe is from Jaime Oliver Cheat Pizza   
Absolutely there is nothing wrong with this recipe 
but the time you are thinking pizza for lunch or dinner, 
you are also thinking it should be easy, messy kitchen free
therefore no lots of dishes to wash.
So what I've done is used normal tomato sauce
and load my pizza with herbs.

Here are some of my homemade pizza.

Additional note: If you don't have any self raising flour at home, just use all purpose flour or plain flour and add baking powder. Here's how...

Add 2 teaspoon of baking powder to 1 cup of flour.
Mix thoroughly and to be sure that the baking powder is properly distributed in the flour, use sieve and sift it 2-3 times.

We're not finished yet, hahaha another helpful tip that I want to share with you is....
how to know when your baking powder is still good. Let's admit it that baking powder comes in big boxes and most of the recipes only requires a teaspoon or a tablespoon. And for us home bakers we don't use as much as a box of baking powder. And then one day we will hate ourselves for a baking failure! 
Oh well, it happened to me many times so I can't blame you if after a few kitchen failures you swore that you're not gonna bake again. Lol cry no more.. here's a simple trick that you can do before baking and you have doubts about your baking powder.

If you are unsure that your baking powder is fresh or stale, before using it in your baking, try and test it first.

Mix a tablespoon or two in one cup of hot water. And watch closely the reaction of the powder when it fizzes and produced bubbles, it's still good, but if not or just weak bubbles or no reaction at all, it sure is stale and you won't be able to use it.

There you go, hope this simple tips can do some tricks so you can impress family and friends with your cooking! Enjoy!!