About Me

I’m Grace Vivian and welcome to Taste Delicious. I’ve been dreaming to create a blog where I can showcase my passion for cooking and baking for quite long time now. I don’t have a proper training or any culinary education but only my passion and enthusiasm to learn and experiment about food, reading food websites and blogs has surprised me on what I can create.

I am a self taught cook who wants to learn more. I grew up with a family of great cooks, so since childhood, I get to familiarize in the kitchen. But because of this it didn’t came to my mind to try cook and put my hands into action, I just rely on them. But my situation has changed and now I am miles and miles away from my family. And it made me live my dream; to actually work in my kitchen and eat the fruit of my labour.

Ever since childhood I love to watch cooking/baking shows and salivate on their creations. But now the technology made it more interesting, because you can connect/access the massive information around the world and learn more with just one click. It is always such fun and rewarding cooking/baking something that you can feed your family. Although the journey is not easy, don’t get disheartened when you had kitchen fails, believe me I have many epic fails in my own kitchen and these fails are probably meant to happen so you can improve your techniques.

Join me and together let’s create an easy but sumptuous food for your family and friends using fresh and simple ingredients that cooks in no time.